
1st OCC Packing Party of the Year

Our first OCC Packing Party of 2025 will be Friday, March 18th at 2 PM. See Susan Otto for further details or to see how you can help!

Columbus River Dragons Faith and Family Night

You are invited to the Columbus River Dragons Faith and Family night on Saturday, March 29th. For tickets or more information, go to

Road Trip to the Ark Encounter

We are planning a trip to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. The dates are September 8th thru 12th and there are limited spots available. The cost is $679 per person, based on double occupancy. See Cathy Wright for more information.

Women's Bible Study

The Ladies will begin a Bible study on the book of James. It will be Monday evenings from 6 to 8, beginning on March 10th. The cost is $10 and materials will be provided. Please see Meagan Crosson to register.

Crowns of Glory

Crowns of Glory will be Monday, February 17th at 11:00 AM. Lunch will be provided. Tammy Hall from Naomi's Home will be our speaker. Please see Ann Woodham for donations.

Coloring Pages for VBS Decorating

There are coloring pages in the back of the sanctuary and in the foyer for VBS. Please take a few, color, and bring them back to Brad or Katie. We loved having everyone involved in decorating last year and want to see what y'all come up with again this year!

Thanks so much!

Deacons Meeting

The Deacons will meet Sunday, February 9th at 8:30 AM

Business Meeting

Our next Quarterly Business Meeting will be on Sunday, March 9th. It will start 15 minutes after the morning service ends. Please make plans to stay.

Sweet Tea and Jesus 2025

Save the Date! the 2025 Sweet Tea and Jesus Luncheon will be held July 26th, 2025. We'll have more information as we draw nearer to the event date.

RightNow Media Access

Our church offers access to RightNow Media, which has numerous resources for small group or personal studies, video series, and more. If you have not already signed up, the invite link is


Christian Service Center Needs by Month

Thank you for your support of Christian Service Center. Listed below are most needed items for each month. Please pray about choosing a time to help with ongoing needs. And please pray about making an appointment to visit the office. We would love to have groups from your church visit and see what God is doing!

January -Donations of packaged food items are requested - mac and cheese, grits, dry beans, rice, hamburger helper, jello, instant potatoes.

February- Canned goods - tomatoes, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, canned meats.

March - meal, flour, sugar, shortening, cooking oil

April- Sheets, towels, etc. These are not required to be new, just clean and placed in a plastic bag with the size written on the outside of the bag.

May- Items easily prepared for school age children: Individual mac and cheese, pop tarts, soup, juice boxes, microwavable meats, fruit cups, crackers.

June- We would like to encourage churches having VBS to collect soap. This has been a tremendous help in the past.

July -Donations of food items to be given to homeless individuals: Snack crackers, saltine crackers, tuna, Vienna sausages, small cans of deviled ham, chicken, individually wrapped candies (no chocolates please), fruit gummies, individual packs of mustard or ketchup, juice boxes. Individually wrapped plastic spoons or forks.

August- Notebook paper, pencils, pens, Crayola crayons 24 pack

September- Community Wide Food Drive September 28th. Location to be announced.

October- Christmas gifts for boys and girls, men and women. Please call Christy or Cheryl for details. 334-476-2605 or 334-576-3552.

November- We need food boxes to distribute to families in time for Thanksgiving. These boxes should contain food for the family to prepare their own Thanksgiving meal.

December- Food items that a family might like to have on hand for a New Year's Day meal.

Cheryl Myers

East Liberty WMU Facebook group

The East Liberty WMU has created a private Facebook group for WMU ladies from our churches to join. This will help share WMU information across the association. You are encouraged to join the group. The group name is East Liberty Baptist Association WMU.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt - April 13th - More information coming!

End of School Celebration

End of School Celebration - May 18th - More information to follow