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Plant City Baptist Church

  • Upcoming Children's Events

    Please save the dates on the following upcoming events. More information will be provided at a later date.

    December 1st - A Night in Bethlehem - Awana Event

    April 13th- Easter Egg Hunt

    May 18th - End of School Year Celebration

    June 22nd-26th - VBS 2025


  • Trunk or Treat October 6th

    We will have church wide TRUNK OR TREAT on October 6th at 5:00 PM. Anyone can pass out candy from your vehicle (you provide your own candy). We will set up in the upper parking lot 30 minutes prior to the event. Decorating your vehicle is encouraged, but not necessary.

    We will also have pumpkin painting, games, and popcorn. Any child, nursery thru high school age, can trunk or treat. Please let Brad or Katie know if you plan on passing out candy.

  • Items needed for Lovelady Center in Birmingham

    The Lovelady Center in Birmingham is currently housing 497 women who are recovering from addictions. They are empowering women through Christ-centered initiatives so they can return to society as well-equipped women of God. They are in need of the following items, which we will be collecting until December 1st. Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, soap, and monthly hygiene items. Thank you in advance for your help! 

  • Last OCC Packing Party of the year!

    Thursday, October 24th at 5:30 PM. We will be packing for girls, ages 10 - 14.

  • RightNow Media Access

    Our church offers access to RightNow Media, which has numerous resources for small group or personal studies, video series, and more. If you have not already signed up, the invite link is


  • Christian Service Center Needs by Month

    Thank you for your support of Christian Service Center. Listed below are most needed items for each month. Please pray about choosing a time to help with ongoing needs. And please pray about making an appointment to visit the office. We would love to have groups from your church visit and see what God is doing!

    January -Donations of packaged food items are requested - mac and cheese, grits, dry beans, rice, hamburger helper, jello, instant potatoes.

    February- Canned goods - tomatoes, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, canned meats.

    March - meal, flour, sugar, shortening, cooking oil

    April- Sheets, towels, etc. These are not required to be new, just clean and placed in a plastic bag with the size written on the outside of the bag.

    May- Items easily prepared for school age children: Individual mac and cheese, pop tarts, soup, juice boxes, microwavable meats, fruit cups, crackers.

    June- We would like to encourage churches having VBS to collect soap. This has been a tremendous help in the past.

    July -Donations of food items to be given to homeless individuals: Snack crackers, saltine crackers, tuna, Vienna sausages, small cans of deviled ham, chicken, individually wrapped candies (no chocolates please), fruit gummies, individual packs of mustard or ketchup, juice boxes. Individually wrapped plastic spoons or forks.

    August- Notebook paper, pencils, pens, Crayola crayons 24 pack

    September- Community Wide Food Drive September 28th. Location to be announced.

    October- Christmas gifts for boys and girls, men and women. Please call Christy or Cheryl for details. 334-476-2605 or 334-576-3552.

    November- We need food boxes to distribute to families in time for Thanksgiving. These boxes should contain food for the family to prepare their own Thanksgiving meal.

    December- Food items that a family might like to have on hand for a New Year's Day meal.

    Cheryl Myers

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Regular Schedule

Office Hours

  • Monday-Thursday 9AM-2PM


  • Sunday School
    – 9:45 AM
  • Worship Service
    – 11:00 AM
  • Awana
    – 5:30 PM
  • Equipping Service
    – 7:00 PM


  • Prayer Meeting
    – 7:00 PM
  • Youth and Children
    – 7:00 PM
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