Our next Quarterly Business Meeting will be on Sunday, March 9th. It will start 15 minutes after the morning service ends. Please make plans to stay.
The Quarterly Association Executive Committee Meeting will be on Thursday, January 23rd at 6 PM Central/7 PM Eastern. We will meet in the ELBA Office. Please make plans to attend.
In the month of January, we are collecting the following items for OCC. Washcloths, Coloring Books, and Glue Sticks. Please help out if you can!
The Youth will have a Souper Bowl Lunch Fundraiser after the service on Sunday, February 9th. This be to raise funds for Youth Summer Camp.
Save the Date! the 2025 Sweet Tea and Jesus Luncheon will be held July 26th, 2025. We'll have more information as we draw nearer to the event date.
Monday-Thursday 9AM-2PM